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Grandemoore Homes Floor Plans

Design  - A company’s passion and pride are reflected in its housing designs.  Plans scream volumes about your builder.  Grandemoore Homes strives to blend exciting, dramatic, fun and unexpected features with a functional and efficient design. Then, we take our plan, or yours, or one that we design for you, and we add the perfect finishing touches so that your home “lives” exactly the way you want your home to “live”.  What’s misunderstood about a brilliant design is that it need not necessarily be expensive. 

Materials & Workmanship  - A company puts its reputation on the line with the products and materials it chooses and the workmanship it demands of its craftsmen.  We at Grandemoore Homes strive to build quality homes that stand the test of time with sound construction practices that deliver the optimum product for our clientele while providing a save working environment for our trade partners.  As the saying goes, “The devil is in the details.”  It starts with knowledge and continues with caring.

Unique Features  - A company’s creativity is reflected in the features of its designs. Whether it’s a hidden pantry, a secret room, a hidden panel, a wine room or a dining room in a your own wine cellar, your builder’s creativity may well determine whether your home is truly unique.  While most building companies are “followers”, Grandemoore Homes seeks to be a leader in the building industry.

The Finishes - A company’s caring is reflected in its finishes.  At the end of construction, when your home has been cleaned and the last trade has gone, are we, as your builder, and you, as our client, truly proud of the finished product?  From the cabinetry to the countertops, from the flooring to the interior finishes, from the owners’ suite to its glamour bath, have we inspired your pride of ownership?  That is our sole goal and purpose.


Plans, specifications, included features, available options and elevations are subject to change without notice. All dimensions and square footages are approximate. Renderings are artist conceptions. Plans are the copyrighted property of Grandemoore Homes. A limited number of plans utilized by Grandemoore Homes® are owned by third parties and use is licensed to Grandemoore Homes. Reuse of plans is strictly prohibited.

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Rambler Homes

Patio Homes

Split Level Homes

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Minnesota Residential Building Contractor License # BC684522

Wisconsin Dwelling Contractor License # 1299539

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